Past Presidents




2020-2021 • 2021-2022




Punit Goenka

2018-2019 • 2019-2020




Ramesh Narayan




Neeraj Roy

2016 - 17



Srinivasan K Swamy

2015-2016 • 2014-15 •
2013-14 • 2012-13



Kaushik Roy

2011 - 12 • 2010 - 11



L S (Raj) Nayak

2009 - 10 • 2008 - 09



Pradeep Guha

2007 - 08 • 2006 - 07



Sam Balsara

2005 - 06



Pheroza Bilimoria

2004 - 05



Karl Mehta

2003 - 04 • 2002 - 03



Sorab Mistry

2001 - 02 • 2000 - 01



Arunabha Dasgupta

1999 - 00 • 1998 - 99



Pheroza Bilimoria

1997 - 98 • 1996 - 97



Amol Bose

1995 - 96 • 1994 - 95



Mukul Upadhyaya

1993 - 94 • 1992 - 93



Satish Jain

1991 - 92 • 1990 - 91
1989 - 90 • 1988 - 89



V S Padamanabhan

1987 - 88 • 1986 - 87
1985 - 86 • 1984 - 85



Roger C B Pereira
Founder President, 1981

1983 - 84 • 1982 - 83
1981 - 82






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